Gravity Podcast

When someone shares their experience openly and honestly, something magical happens: you’re able to see yourself in that story, connect with them, and grow together. The Gravity Project is an experiment in consciousness, community, and connection, and we invite you to join us in our mission to elevate humanity by inspiring, connecting, and empowering individuals and communities.

The human experience – shared fully, insightfully, and profoundly. These are journeys worth hearing.

G119. Tobi Ewing

G118. Mike Malatesta

G117. Chris Chung

G116. Jim Sweeney

G115. Bruce Garfield

G114. Alex Bandar

G113. Scott Danner

G112. Hani Hara

G111. Jaclyn Tracy

G110. Jay Clouse

G109. Kit Yoon

G108. Sharon Sloane


For speaking engagements, or if you’d like to have Brett as a guest on your podcast, please send us an email to start a conversation.